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Linkdump for May 21st

by Rob Friesel
  • Flickr Redesign Round-up! The official announcement over at the Flickr Blog. I know that there are a lot of people hating on the new redesign, but I think I "get" the vision behind it. I think they're making a calculated gamble with such a dramatic re-thinking of their interface (to say nothing of the pricing plan) but overall I think it's a pretty smart investment. It will come at the cost of alienating some long-time users, but it's necessary for reinvigoration and growth.
    (tagged: Flickr )
  • Flickr Redesign Round-up! Mashable breaks down what Flickr's new (somewhat bizarre) pricing structure means for long-time Flickr Pro users like myself. The tl;dr good news: "Sit tight; everything will be fine." And/but: I think we can all agree that there are a bunch of weird quirks and gotchas in the new plan. ($500/year for 2 TB? When 1TB is $50/year or else free-with-ads.)
    (tagged: Flickr )
  • Flickr Redesign Round-up! At Co.Design: business + innovation + design. Mostly just a bunch of screenshots, but it helps to convey the changes in a visual digest format. (Spoiler alert: kind of has more than 3 features featured.)
    (tagged: Flickr )
  • Flickr Redesign Round-up! Filed under: "Well that didn't take long…" It's a Node CLI for turning your for-free 1TB of Flickr storage in to… free storage. (Albeit inefficient/wasteful storage…) PNG hacks FTW?
    (tagged: Flickr Node.js )
  • At SitePoint. IE8 drops below 10% and versions of IE overall account for less than 30%; Chrome climbs up near 40%.
    (tagged: browsers )
  • In the run-up to the Functional JavaScript release (pre-order your copy!), you should read this great post by Darren Newton (@d_run) on using Underscore-Contrib for functional style JS.

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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