Linkdump for December 16th
¶ by Rob Friesel-
Github user @mendhak has this proposed directive for measuring load time performance of different components in a single-page app. Tl;dr: "loading" a portion of the page may be deferred for one reason or another, but once it is in fact "finished" (based on some user-defined version of "finished") it requests an image with some query params to broadcast some sense of how long it took to load/render/etc. that portion of the application. (You're on your own for parsing the request logs, and there are some other weaknesses with this approach, but it's not totally unreasonable either.)
Jake Archibald, writing at HTML5Rocks Updates. A small, sensible step forward for default web behaviors, and an important reminder about sweating the small stuff. (…if you're the kind of person that considers 300ms to be "small stuff".)
2013 AngularJS Advent calendar. (Not unlike Stoyan Stefanov's performance advent calendar…)
At Victor Savkin's blog. He comes at the subject through the lens of Backbone.js, but it's a good overview of the MVP pattern and how you can add supervising presenters into the mix to make things a little more sane for large applications; interestingly, a lot of the simplifications come from direct data-bindings for simple relationships between the view and the model (i.e., getters and setters) while reserving that intermediate layer only for more complex ones.
Erin Swenson-Healey, writing at The Carbon Emitter. A pretty deep-dive into ES6 generators, with lots of good practical examples.
David Simon:
So I'm astonished that at this late date I'm standing here and saying we might want to go back for this guy Marx that we were laughing at, if not for his prescriptions, then at least for his depiction of what is possible if you don't mitigate the authority of capitalism, if you don't embrace some other values for human endeavour.
A post from Joe Lennon on creating a small real-time web app using the so-called "MEAN" stack. Not a whole lot of really new material, but a useful case study nevertheless.
Jessica Lahey, writing for The Atlantic:
The answer lies in teaching methods that stress patience, critical thinking, and a delayed response based on deep and meaningful contemplation. In the current issue of Harvard Magazine, humanities professor Jennifer L. Roberts describes her teaching methodology in the article, “The Power of Patience.” Roberts has made a pedagogical move toward teaching that engineers, “in a conscientious and explicit way, the pace and tempo of the learning experiences.” As part of that effort, she has purposefully shifted her assignments toward work that requires her student to slow down and gives them opportunities “to engage in deceleration, patience, and immersive attention.”
Echoes of Susan Cain’s work. (It's not called out explicitly but let's face it: that's an introverted tendency.)
Oh nothing, just filing away this weird little thought-provoking nugget for later fiction research.
Via Bored Panda. And yes, I've read a critique or two of the overall project, but even those admit what I'm about to say: These photos are pretty incredible.
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