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Monday Top 10s

by Rob Friesel

…on Tuesday!

the return of The Sampo Method
(Match all: Last Played is in the last 7 days, Date Added is in the last 2 weeks, Genre does not contain Mix; Limit to 10 songs selected by most often played)

  1. Boards of Canada “Chromakey Dreamcoat”
  2. Boards of Canada “Dayvan Cowboy”
  3. Mono “Silicone”
  4. Mono “The Outsider”
  5. Boards of Canada “Satellite Anthem Icarus”
  6. Boards of Canada “Peacock Tail”
  7. Boards of Canada “Oscar See Through Red Eye”
  8. Boards of Canada “Hey Saturday Sun”
  9. Boards of Canada “Slow This Bird Down”
  10. Mono “Slimcea Girl”

The “Your Son Is An Underachiever” Method
(Match all: Last Played is in the last 7 days, Play Count is less than 15, Genre does not contain Mix; Limit to 10 songs selected by most often played)

  1. Danzig “I’m the One”
  2. Danzig “Her Black Wings”
  3. Equinox “Janus Effect”
  4. KMFDM “Dogma”
  5. Noise Unit “Escape”
  6. The Prodigy “The Narcotic Suite: Claustrophobic Sting”
  7. Sister Machine Gun “Iron”
  8. Hipp-E & Halo “Funk Your Body”
  9. Intermix “Seeds Of Harmony”
  10. Jeff Bennett “Involvation”

The Fuck Off Method
(Last Played is in the last 7 days; Limit to 10 songs selected by random)

  1. Underworld “Banstyle/Sappy’s Curry”
  2. a.nov “Slow Shot”
  3. Depeche Mode “Useless”
  4. Thievery Corporation “All That We Perceive”
  5. Depeche Mode “I Feel Loved”
  6. The Herbalizer “8pt Agenda”
  7. Underworld “Skym”
  8. Stoneproof “Everything’s Not You (Perfecto Extended mix)”
  9. Moby “Porcelain (Future Shock remix)”
  10. Quivver “She Does (Quivver’s Alternative mix)”

currently playing: Boards of Canada “Hey Saturday Sun”

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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