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Linkdump for June 13th

by Rob Friesel
  • at Al Dente — Old Bay is the 3rd best culinary invention after butter and bacon.
    (tagged: OldBay food )
  • For me, the jury is still out on Twitter's staying power and whether/not the benefits outweigh the costs of following folks. The serendipity can be nice but a high-volume Twitterer (Tweeter?) generates a lot of noise — and it's hard enough to keep up with the overflowing buckets as it is, eh?
  • "The glass isn't going to refill itself, honeybun."
    (tagged: humor wishlist )
  • a.k.a., "Best of xkcd, plus a few others to show we read other comics."
    (tagged: via:kapowee humor )
  • by Warren Ellis:

    We would talk of doing these things via advertising, or appearances – which were when you’d show up somewhere in the real world, deface books with ink and communicate using small mouth noises. What we meant by “reaching an audience” was “devising ways in which we force strangers to give us their money in exchange for ideas and maybe a joke or two”. This has changed in fairly savage ways. The complex net of processes designed to take your money and give it to me is kind of ragged, what with newspapers collapsing and the concept of authority being passed from journalists to the BoingBoing crew to, in 2009, a Twitter post from the sainted Stephen Fry.

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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