round it out (NaNoWriMo week 3)
¶ by Rob FrieselIf you’ve been keeping track, we are (as of typing this) past week three and into week four of NaNoWriMo. According to their little widget, there are eight days left in the writing sprint. I’m currently claiming 45,058 words committed to the manuscript. To put it into perspective, that’s about:
- 5 days aheads of schedule (with 4,942 before the goal marker); or
- 197 letter-sized pages of double-spaced 12 pt. Courier typing (currently without any embellishments to indicate chapter or scene breaks)
Daily output looks a little bit like this:
The columns represent each day’s total word count. The descending line represents the average words-per-day rate necessary to reach the goal by the November 30 deadline. (Note, that goal starts at 1,700 words per day.)
I feel pretty confident that I’ll make it. And I’m looking forward to my discount on Scrivener 1.
Also, curious what I’ve been writing about? Click the little “Novel Info” tab on my NaNoWriMo profile for a sort-of-synopsis and an excerpt.
- And I’ll admit that I’ve grown kind of attached to it.[↩]
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