
Orin is a theme for WordPress, derived from the “naked” Starkers theme, and otherwise custom designed by Rob Friesel for his blog, found_drama. Orin was developed as an experiment in HTML5 and CSS3, with the goal of keeping the mark-up clean and semantic while still able to make room for all that legacy mark-up from all those many years of blogging. (Hopefully it all plays nicely together.)
And though Orin was developed by a professional, it was developed as a hobby and on a hobbyist’s schedule. Assume that it’s about ?90% ready for “general consumption”–and with just a little bit of tweaking, anyone ought to be able to use it. (Translation: “Sounds about the same as every other theme out there.”) If you enjoy the theme, or are otherwise intrigued by it, feel free to fork the source on GitHub.
Also: here are a few indispensible plug-ins that help make Orin even more special:
Lastly, like all the custom (or at least “customized”) themes deployed here on the found_drama blog, “Orin” takes its name from a character in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest. Just wanted to be on record as saying that yes, that is indeed the case.
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