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Tag Archives: Search Haiku

Search Term Haiku: July 2008

by Rob Friesel

dream interruptions but we delivered the bomb complete X-Files Also: somehow, in all the past month’s excitement, this blog’s sixth anniversary passed us by. How’s that for longevity and stick-to-it-ive-ness?  Good for us.  And some along the way we have become the #1 destination for “zombie phobia” and related searches.  How did that happen?  And: […]

search term haiku: January 2008

by Rob Friesel

Two worthy combinations from last month: Oryx and Crake: a psychoanalytic read: her, amputated Repetition is a form of change; who said that? zombie phobia “Search Term Haiku” is a series wherein I examine this site’s log files and construct one or more haiku poems from search terms and phrases that led visitors to the […]