¶ by Rob FrieselAs an update to the “Roadmaster!” post… I’d gotten some questions about “And what is ‘Wood Wagon’? How do you play that?” And here, I thought everybody knew this one…
So, we present:
Ideal for highway trips, commutes, and spins around the block, the basic rules to “Wood Wagon!” are:
- A wood wagon is defined as any vehicle with wood of that wood-ish-looking fiberglass stuff as part of the body.
- Each Wood Wagon is worth 1 point
- An erroneously called Wood Wagon docks you -1 point
- All contenders must be present in the vehicle during play and the winner is decided by whomever has the most points at the end of the trip.

CLASSIC example of a Wood Wagon
- The “wood” must be part of the body of the vehicle. So…
- Something like a stake bed would be OK:
- But a semi hauling logs would not be OK:
- A “Wood Wagon!” call has a value of 3 points when played in combination with “Buick!” Points are cumulative.
- Since so many wood wagons are “late model”, some groups may optionally wish to double point values on “new” wood wagons (e.g., a woodied PT Cruiser)
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