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settling in with BenNevis

by Rob Friesel

As of yesterday, I am now on-board a MacBook Pro. It’s my new work machine. BenNevis being both a scotch and the tallest peak in Scotland, the hostname naming convention fits with both home and office. So far, so good. First impressions in the first 24+ hours:

  • Fast. Yes. It’s fast. Things are snappy and responsive. Must be the 2.0 GHz Core Duo. And the 2 GB of memory help, I’m sure. That said, it cooks and rivals (if not surpasses) Malkovich (running a 2.0 GHz G5).
  • Rosetta. While most of the apps I run “all day” are Universal Binary already, there are a few essentials that are still PowerPC-based. I.e., Microsoft anything. Word and Excel both run transparently and without a hiccup. It’s nice that there’s no emulation “ghetto” that needs to launch first (see also: “Classic”) – – the application just opens as if it were running on KetelOne or Malkovich (etc.) That said, it does seem like apps running in Rosetta are more crash-prone. I had to force quit Word a couple of times today – – but then again, it never really has fully behaved for some types of “Track Changes” behaviors.  (Meanwhile, Excel was faster than I’ve ever seen it.)
  • Watch out for drivers.  If you use 3rd party hardware, watch out for the drivers.  They may not be Universal Binary (or the equivalent).  I prefer to use a Logitch keyboard and trackball and to fully take advantage of their features, I need to run the Logitech “Control Center”.  However, after installing the Preference Pane, OS X decided that they couldn’t place nicely together.  So much for my proper key mappings.  So much for my scrollwheel as a double-click…
  • Fan noise?  I keep reading about excessive fan noise and “whining” from the machine.  I haven’t noticed anything.  Nothing out of the ordinary at least.  It’s not silent.  But it’s not load.  However, it does get friggin’ hot.  I’ll pay that price for fast though.
  • Huge power brick.  I’d read that it was bigger.  Then I held it in my hands and dubbed it “Scotty” – – I canna give you any more, Cap’n! I’ve given yea all that she’s got!

Meanwhile, in the real world…  I keep plugging away at getting everything set up the way I need it.  No matter how prepared you think you are, it always takes an extra couple days.

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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