found drama

get oblique

Linkdump for March 28th

by Rob Friesel
  • Jeff Atwood writing at Coding Horror:

    …who the heck is visiting page 964 of 3810?

    As you can imagine, the comment thread is exactly the kind of potpourri you'd expect from this topic.

  • At BBC News.
    (tagged: news astronomy )
  • At Geek Mountain State. Always down for a local UFO sighting.
    (tagged: Vermont UFO )
  • Kathryn Flagg at Seven Days writing about Wendell Potter:

    But slowly the industry changed. Companies began focusing on what they called “consumer-driven care” and shifting more and more customers to high-deductible plans. Potter calls these customers the “underinsured”: They’re technically covered, but their deductibles are so high — often thousands of dollars each year — that they can’t afford much care, or must go into debt to obtain it. Part of Potter’s job was making people think these plans were a good solution to the problems of providing health care in America, yet he grew increasingly doubtful.

  • At

    I have prepared a set of annotated exercises illustrating typical Clojure fp idioms. The exercises are the first 31 Project Euler problems, one for each day of the month. I believe these problems are ideal for the purpose at hand. Each problem is succinctly stated, interesting, and well defined. Each lends itself to a natural functional solution.

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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