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Linkdump for February 20th

by Rob Friesel
  • Fascinating post by Alex Rothenberg wherein he digs deep into Angular.js to determine exactly why minification broke his application.
  • By Patrick Kua, writing over at The first (explanatory) half is a little on the long-winded side, but the second half ("Guidelines for more appropriate use of metrics") is a gem. I particularly liked the strategies that he proposed for making metrics more "appropriate" — "shorter tracking periods" stuck out to me as something that could be an easy win for a lot of organizations.
  • At BLDGBLOG. Filed under: weird, but cool.
  • Great in-depth piece by Marc Grabanski on the front-end performance optimizations that they did with the UI. Includes some detailed discussion of Backbone.js view rendering and its pitfalls. He says it's a pretty high-level discussion, but I don't know… It gets pretty technical, if you ask me. Their lazy-loading solution is a work of art.
  • Sacha Greif:

    First of all, realism done wrong can morph into kitsch.

    That's one way to put it; though I'd propose that the real danger is in making a UI more confusing through skeuomorphic elements. (Winding up with something tacky isn't ideal, but "tacky" isn't always "broken".) I enjoyed the term "skeuominimalism", and/but I'd also assert that when all is said and done, you can say whatever you want about design trends but ultimately you (as a designer) needs to make a decision about your look-and-feel and how it reflects the tone of your brand. (Maybe faux leather is exactly what you're going for?)

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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