Linkdump for May 17th
¶ by Rob Friesel-
Nigel Brooke at Steamclock Software:
These APIs becoming public could be a huge boon to those of us that are interested in using JavaScript in their apps in various ways. It would be an official way to do some of the things enabled by third-party platforms (like Cordova, Appcelerator and Impact) or other binding libraries (such as JSBindings).
Robert Krulwich, writing for NPR:
As of this month, we've discovered 884 planets, 692 planetary systems, 132 of them with more than one planet and, strange to tell, almost none of them look like us.
George Dvorsky, writing at Sentient Developments:
As an aside, it could also be dangerous to listen: SETI may be at risk of downloading a malicious virus from outer space.
This post on the generators feature in ES6 (over at is one of the better ones I've seen. It's a good introduction for someone that's unfamiliar with them.
Joe Fassler, interviewing Benjamin Percy about Cormac McCarthy, for The Atlantic:
McCarthy's is an elemental voice. In his voice I hear stone shifting, glaciers cracking open, trees moaning in the wind. The ancient cadences of his prose take on an almost otherworldly quality, a quality that transports you.
I read "The Road" at a similar time as Percy (minus the terrifying trip to the ICU) and (a) agree that the passage he cites is among the most chillingly memorable from McCarthy and also (b) that (as a writer) reading McCarthy can be aesthetically transformative.
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