links for 2006-10-05
¶ by Rob Friesel-
via Engadget: a pretty good tutorial on how to set up SSH tunneling (as well as what it’s good for); includes a link to a tunnel manager for OS X.
a library for importing and exporting WordPerfect ™ documents
“kostenlos daten umwandeln und konvertieren…” – – appears to be a (free) online conversion tool that takes a file and converts it to another format. (The site is in German but I pieced enough of it together to get that much…)
An open-source (GNU licensed) word processor application (with an OS X port!?)
Forget SETI@Home… Forget Folding@Home… Give BOINC your priorities and let it balance your clock cycles for you… (!?)
The ol’ crew website…
My photo stream
via MacTelChat (via LifeHacker)
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