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Category Archives: Dream

Dreams I’ve had; unedited but (for better or worse) not always fully remembered.

dream.20080716: falls

by Rob Friesel

We spend far too long at the store.  Between the research and the trying out different items and then finally filling in all the paperwork for the service agreements and all of that.  Since when did A. become obsessed with HDMI?  And why?  She has even gone so far as to say that this whole […]

dream.20080715: survivalism

by Rob Friesel

I suppose it’s played like a game though the urgency suggests that the threats are real.  But how can a half-dozen people locked in a 15’×30′ room really qualify as a civilization?  No matter.  When we detect the interlopers down the hall, we get the door slammed and barred before they can see us.  But […]

dream.20080708: pedagogy

by Rob Friesel

To get there on time we need to leave on time.  But how can we leave into that dark cold winter night without being properly equipped.  Everyone else rushed to the door, cavalierly donning whatever barely warm-enough coats they could find.  I took my time, plowing through the closet to find my warmest coat.  The […]

dream.20080706: paddling

by Rob Friesel

It’s a party?  Since when did B.S. have a house by a … lake?  It’s like Robert Downey Jr.’s house from Iron Man but crossed with a rustic cabin.  There’s about a dozen people here.  Everyone seems to be waking up, slightly hung over.  It is too early for this group of alcoholics to be […]

dream.20080630: empty

by Rob Friesel

I sneak in to grab a few things from my room.  I am not due back here for another week or so and do not want to arouse suspicion.  No one recognizes me anyway.  I turn the corner and a few folks look up but say nothing.  There is perhaps a faint glimmer of recognition […]

dream.20080603: the house

by Rob Friesel

The house knows your secrets.  It keeps memories from you, it forms opinions about you, casts judgment on you.  The rooms change shape when you enter, they reconfigure; the house wants you to feel at home but this is no place you’ve ever called by that name.  But you recognize it in tiny fragments.  The […]

dream.20080516: orangutan

by Rob Friesel

We have a pet orangutan; she wanders the house and speaks to us in Sign.  One evening, the orangutan tells us that she is pregnant and she dives into the swimming pool.  We watch her for a bit, waiting for something to happen.  The whole thing makes us very nervous.  After a while, the orangutan […]

dream.20080429: up, up, and away

by Rob Friesel

The mission, the secret has been compromised.  Our own expedition was a success in as much as our craft — a lightweight, one-man, helium-propelled bicycle of an aircraft — returned to base.  What none of us had banked on was that we would be pursued by a friend.  (M.F., was that you?)  His craft however, […]