found drama

get oblique

Daily Archives: November 15, 2005

update and to-do

by Rob Friesel

Took the evening off and categorized the early posts all the way back to ’03. (Not that bad, actually – – I did that while watching Kung Pow…) There’s still a bit to do though: blogroll port over scripts.js esp. w/r/t/ inserting the oblique strategies here adapt old Blogger CSS styles to the new format […]

testing and to-do

by Rob Friesel

This is a test post… Here is what we looked like earlier tonight… (Chicken and egg question: Is my insomnia from this? Or is this something to do because of insomnia?) TO DO: get the new styles as in-line with the old as possible (esp. since I’d just so recently put so much work in […]