Linkdump for December 20th
¶ by Rob Friesel-
Louis Lazaris at Impressive Webs. I'd somehow missed this — that Internet Explorer 10 was not going to support conditional comments. (Probably because I don't pay enough attention to IE-related news?) Conditional comments were only ever "the least hacky" way of dealing with ID's quirks — and though "a hack is a hack" (and thus should be avoided), it was still at least a reliable and relatively unobtrusive way to get the job done.
Alas — with IE10 ("and above") this means we're up against this problem again. In this post, Lazaris demonstrates three methods for coping with IE10. Unfortunately, they all smell of brittle hacks. As usual: tread carefully.
Looks like some nice updates to mod_pagespeed. (As an aside: hopefully this fixes the recent conflicts with WordPress 3.5 and its script concatenator/loader…)
Ilya Grigorik (one of 2013's "devs to watch", if you ask me) with a sane and forward-thinking proposal about how we can improve the ways that we serve images on the web. A little long, but worth the read. Best part? The solution is to use HTTP, and not to try to shoe-horn more features into HTML.
"Block-Element-Modifier"… to join the ranks of OOCSS and SMACSS?
The value proposition was not immediately obvious to me ("So… it's like a more strict or more structured version of SMACSS?") and as such I feel like I need to use it and/or meditate on it a bit before I can form a real opinion. But there's a decent summary here (including the comment thread).
John Albin Wilkins (writing at breaks it down re: all the nasty little rounding errors that can occur in percentage-based fluid layouts. There are some strategies in here for dealing with those problems (e.g., border-box, zen grids) but ultimately what it comes down to: make more (or different) compromises. Also cheat.
An awesome little JavaScript library by Larry Battle for working with ratios, fractions, and rational numbers. This is timely (for me) because I was just reading about ClojureScript and lamenting how CLJS doesn't have the same venerated support for rationals as Clojure does. And it isn't so much that this solves that problem "for free", but at a minimum it shows how one might go about dealing with that.
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