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2017 Wrap-Up

by Rob Friesel


  • 50 “home days” with E. while he was in part time preschool. 1
  • Managed to ski 10 times between the bottom half of the 16/17 season and the start of the 17/18 season.
  • Visited 2 National Parks that we’d never visited before. 2
  • Read 36 books. 3
  • Read 380 articles (blog posts, etc.) between September and December. But I only started tracking those midway through August, so it could easily be 1140. 4
  • Ran in 2 × 5k races.
  • Parted ways with 1 sweet cat.
  • Between the phone calls, letters, and emails, probably been in touch with my Congressional rep and Senators over a hundred times.


  • Despite those 50 home days (vide supra), my overall performance did not appear to suffer.
  • Mentored a couple of people on leading technical teams. Arguably successfully.
  • Switched out of a software engineering role into a user experience role.
  • For the first time ever, negotiated on my compensation package, stood firm, and got the thing that was most important to me.
  • Did not change careers and become a pro brewer.
  • Did not change careers and become a vaunted novelist.


According to RunKeeper…

  • 297.1 miles of cycling over 20:51:59 — mostly in the gym.
  • 914.8 equivalent miles on the elliptical over 97:38:00.
  • 32.4 miles of hiking over 20:03:34 (13 total hikes). 5
  • 159.5 miles of walks over 57:18:26 — many of these midday breaks at work.
  • All of those, plus a few others? 397 activities over 207:38 (and some seconds) for about 140,986 calories. More active this year in terms of time and mileage, but fewer calories.


  • 21 brew days all together.
  • 10 new-to-me styles; 18 different styles in total.
  • 17 at home brew days.
  • 4 with the crew brew days.
  • At least 1 solo at-home brew day every month 6 (1.4 on average).
  • 10 partial mash batches.
  • 8 all-grain batches.
  • 3 mead batches.
  • 5 competition entries across three competitions.
  • 3 ribbons brought home, including Mead Maker of the Year.
  • Earned my BJCP Provisional Judge status and judged in my first competition.

Relatively productive year.

  1. Not counting any sick days, school breaks, nor family vacation.[]
  2. Great Smoky Mountains and Acadia; we started to plan out a trip to Yosemite but… the expense![]
  3. I use the Fogus definition, so this 36 includes 6 abandoned books, 2 unfinished books, and the book I’m reading right now. Didn’t count the books I read to the kiddos though.[]
  4. A note about method here: my typical article-reading workflow is to see something I want to read, drop it into Instapaper, read it later, and then an IFTTT recipe makes a note in Evernote; at the end of the month, I count up those notes. So if something doesn’t go into Instapaper first (which is probably about 10% of the time) then it doesn’t get counted.[]
  5. But roughly twice as much as 2016 in all ways.[]
  6. Technically Imposter Syndrome wasn’t at home unless you count Colchester’s Mead Hall as my “home away from home” and technically it wasn’t solo because I brewed in front of an audience but I was the sole brewer… so I’m counting it for August.[]

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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