Linkdump for August 1st
¶ by Rob Friesel-
at Simply Recipes — So simple; so delicious.
Werner Schuster writing for InfoQ on the introduction of ClojureScript — some of its hows and whats and whys.
Jonathan Christopher writing at Monday By Noon: a good "report from the trenches" from a CSS professional on using Sass and SCSS.
by @boblet — This pot seems to have been getting stirred again… and if you were in (virtual) attendance at E4H's CSS Summit 2011 then this topic is probably fresh in your mind. Anyway: this is a good breakdown on why you shouldn't be using IDs in your CSS rules (but also hinting at why you shouldn't stress it too much if you are…)
by Matt Legend Gemmell — a great read, all the way through.
Matt Legend Gemmell, with a little write-up on the "Network Link Conditioner" app in Lion. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but if it is what I think it is… well then it looks awesome.
By Scott Hanselman; excerpts from an email thread with Douglas Crockford, Brendan Eich, and Mike Shaver. (Bonus round: interesting excerpt from a Nick Thompson post to YCombinator.)
by Ryan Britt, writing at
It seems what prevents Vonnegut from truly being embraced by hardcore science fiction fans is his tendency to use SF as a blunt instrument.
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