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Category Archives: Dream

Dreams I’ve had; unedited but (for better or worse) not always fully remembered.

dream.20121008: pirates

by Rob Friesel

You’re running from building to building and rooftop to rooftop along with (and in support of) the Dread Pirate Roberts. Only this is neither Florin, nor Guilder — unless either have become modernized. This is a modern port town the same as you’d see depicted in the movies: cranes and shipping containers and ear-splitting horns […]

dream.20120913: localvore

by Rob Friesel

You’re to meet friends at a new and small and hole-in-the-wall-ish farm-to-table restaurant. It has just opened. Word has gotten around about it, but it’s not so crazy yet that you need to make a reservation. You arrive a bit after your friends and take a seat at the far end of the table. The […]

dream.20120907: eviction notice

by Rob Friesel

He’s running around the house, checking everything, making quiet announcements about whether things are safe, and what should be hidden. There really isn’t anything that needs to be hidden. There’s imminent danger, he tells you, tells all of you. Get the others. Is everyone home? Good. Go get them. Everyone gathers in the living room. […]


by Rob Friesel

She is back. She knows. She won’t say. You cannot ask. You are her. You are her as a child, a little girl. You are atop a large and ornate building–like something that would sit in the center of an old college campus. You inch around the top of it, on the roof. You cling […]

dream.20120702: shower

by Rob Friesel

You’re hurrying. You have somewhere to be. You need a shower first. You run into the bathroom and slam the door. You hop into the tub and turn the knobs. Someone comes into the bathroom after you. (Hadn’t you shut the door? Locked the door?) You wait for them to leave. (Are they taking a […]

dream.20120614: at the table again

by Rob Friesel

You are running, but you are running down the middle of the street. Route 7. And it’s morning. Smack in the middle of the heavy traffic. You’re dodging cars and bicycles and other runners. You aren’t slow, but you’re the slower than everyone else on the street. You’re getting passed, and a lot of them […]

dream.20120508: hallway

by Rob Friesel

You’re walking down a hallway. It’s your hallway. The one in your basement, only the mudroom bit at the far end has been eliminated or flattened out. It’s just a long straight hallway. And you’re walking down from one end to the other, urgently. Only the hallway never gets any shorter. You never actually advance. […]

dream.20120506: partials

by Rob Friesel

Starring Robin Williams as a grizzled and down-on-his-luck police detective. Starring across an inhumanly tall prostitute. In a world where Work has purchased two oil tankers and constructed an artificial island between them for exclusive parties. But the islands keep sinking.