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Category Archives: Mac

Often tied in with other tech or code posts; Apple/Mac/iOS speculations, hacks, and other errata.

update: synctunes

by Rob Friesel

And just as mysteriously as my synctunes scripts appeared to stop working, they appeared to start working as expected. Keeping an eye on these though since I’m not so sure I trust their reliability at this point. Questions: Are both the LoginHook and the LogoutHook working? Is it successfully updating the play counts (etc.) on […]

the short version

by Rob Friesel

NCAA Lax Tournament ’05 was awesome — been a long time, I’d almost forgotten. Return from vacation to work overload. So be it. Thanks to Voodoo Pad I had the most productive 90 minutes of novel brainstorming ever. My story makes sense to me now. When it comes to downloading patches, make sure to read […]


by Rob Friesel

Submitted for scrutiny (esp. since it doesn’t appear to be working…): gets the latest iTunes Library info from the iTunes User account #!/bin/bash TUNESHARE=/Users/itunes/Music/iTunes AMYLIB=/Users/amy/Music/iTunes GUESTLIB=/Users/guest/Music/iTunes ROBLIB=/Users/rob/Music/iTunes if [ $USER != itunes ]; then if [ $TUNESHARE/iTunes\ 4\ Music\ Library -nt $AMYLIB/iTunes\ 4\ Music\ Library ]; then cp $TUNESHARE/iTunes\ 4\ Music\ Library $AMYLIB/iTunes\ 4\ […]

introducing Malkovich

by Rob Friesel

Previously alluded to (first here, and then here and here, and then finally here): enter the Malkovich: (more on Flickr) short version: wow. slightly longer version: friggin’ awesome in every respect. detailed version: as previously mentioned there was some confusion/oddness with the LoginHook I planned to use for iTunes Library sync’ing. But that has since […]


by Rob Friesel

Malkovich arrived this afternoon. It was so tough not to just leave work early to come home and set the thing up. Ahh…. But it’s so nice. Too bad my -LoginHook solution for the “shared Libraries” issue won’t work b/c “LoginHooks” have been deprecated in 10.4. /sigh Other fights to fight though…

on launchers and other nerdy things

by Rob Friesel

Terribly interesting finding in my main console.log file today… May 24 08:38:07 KetelOne /Applications/ Contents/MacOS/Quicksilver: LaunchApplication (/Applications/Utilities/ May 24 08:38:10 KetelOne /Applications/ Contents/MacOS/Quicksilver: LaunchApplication (/Applications/ May 24 08:38:14 KetelOne /Applications/ Contents/MacOS/Quicksilver: LaunchApplication (/Applications/ May 24 08:38:20 KetelOne /Applications/ Contents/MacOS/Quicksilver: LaunchApplication (/Applications/ May 24 08:38:43 KetelOne /Applications/ Contents/MacOS/Quicksilver: LaunchApplication (/Applications/Microsoft Office X/Microsoft Excel) May 24 08:38:46 […]