1. we have adventures, 2. Happy Fun Hat, 3. capturing the view, 4. more proof; all pictures… Mosaic created with fd’s Flickr Toys. Original mosaic image on Flickr.
Fun and games… Out of town family visitors and then a trial run hike up Mt. Philo. Original photo at Flickr.
…is doing great. And more ridiculous every day. (Original of above at Flickr)
Maybe a little? Mini-update: things are going well. The last 24-36 hours have been one crazy ride but we feel pretty good 1. We’ve gotten a lot of support from friends and family and the wonderful pediatrician that we found. Weird new rhythms though, that’s for sure. A little tired, perhaps, but good.[↩]
At 5:02am on June 22, 2008, our son Holden Sterling was born. He was a very healthy 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21 inches long. He had a full head of dark hair, the hint of manly sideburns, and huge freakin’ feet. We loved him instantly and are delighted to be a family with […]