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Tag Archives: icon

Make mine a double…

by Rob Friesel

In an attempt to stay true to the household’s hostname naming convention, a recently acquired 4GB SanDisk Cruzer needed a name… While “double” may have been more appropriate for a 2GB, I’ve certainly never heard of anyone buckling down to the bar and ordering a quadruple. At any rate, no one “out there” on the […]

links for 2006-12-01

by Rob Friesel

img2icns via Shiny Frog (via Hawk Wings): an image-to-icon conversion utility (tags: icon Mac OSX graphics freeware) Launch time via Macworld Secrets: a good round-up of launchd’s settings… (tags: launchd Mac OSX) Yahoo! Autos Green Center Hybrids, bio-diesel, natural gas, E85… Info and shopping on “green(er)” automobiles. (tags: automotive energy environment) kuler via LifeHacker: Adobe […]