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Tag Archives: physics

Linkdump for October 26th

by Rob Friesel

Scrivener NaNoWriMo 2009 Trial Against my better judgment, I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. And I'm using the special trial version of Scrivener to do it. (tagged: Scrivener writing NaNoWriMo todo ) Seven questions that keep physicists up at night at New Scientist (via B²) (tagged: science physics todo ) Left vs Right […]

The Elegant Universe

by Rob Friesel

AN INTRODUCTION BY WAY OF HYPERBOLIC SENTIMENT: The Elegant Universe is “The Bible” of superstring theory 1. I close the covers of The Elegant Universe with powerfully mixed feelings. On the one hand, Brian Greene gives us a lucidly-written layman’s-terms explanation for high-concept modern physics, providing an excellent survey of 20th century science and painting […]