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Category Archives: Dream

Dreams I’ve had; unedited but (for better or worse) not always fully remembered.

dream.20081013: buffet style

by Rob Friesel

We are attending what is probably the worst organized party in history; certainly it’s the worst organized party we’ve ever attended.  The party is being hosted in a house that is entirely too large for the man that lives in it — one of those over-paid executives with no kids that still finds it acceptable […]

dream.20081012: brane

by Rob Friesel

A terrorist (think Irish Republican Army and not Al-Qaeda) has holed up in the hospital.  The weapon he uses is some kind of sub-space brane that seems to fold matter into itself.  As a hostage, I witness him calling on the brane — which looks like a misty pink cloud — to unfurl itself from […]

dream.20080924: stolen

by Rob Friesel

I’m sitting in an IT office surrounded by computers and monitors and peripherals &c. when she comes in.  She looks like an extra The Maltese Falcon, all skirtsuit, scarf, and sweater.  The only thing that she is missing is the hat.  She starts rifling through the items in the office, building a computer more/less right […]

dream.20080921: golfing

by Rob Friesel

I’m golfing with D.J., D.P., and my brother J.  The country club is crowded.  But it’s also indoors.  The terrain is varied as one would expect:  little hills, sand traps, scrubby woods, water hazards.  But this whole course is under the kind of ceiling that you’d find at a grocery store or a warehouse.  We […]

dream.20080901: rearrange

by Rob Friesel

While I was in the living room, A. rearranges all of the furniture in the house.  She swaps H.’s bedroom with ours, puts everything into new and impossible configurations, and then when my back is turned, she does the same thing in the living room.  I ask what motivated this and she explains that it […]

dream.20080830: reunion

by Rob Friesel

It’s some kind of All Wrangler Congress or Extended Family Reunion.  Everyone is there, plus some “new recruits” or “applicants” or whatever you might want to call new friends.  We’re all in some kind beach house.  You can hear the ocean in the far background.  I’ve woken up and stumbled into the kitchen to find […]