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Category Archives: Dream

Dreams I’ve had; unedited but (for better or worse) not always fully remembered.

dream.20070925: knock-offs

by Rob Friesel

We’re stationed at the South Pole for some vague scientific experiment but our arrival feels more like we have showed up just-past-check-in at a ski-related timeshare.  The one-level apartment is split up into three bedroom (one big, two small), a  combination living/dining room with a cheap TV and DVD player, and a crowded kitchen; closets […]

dream.20070915: the beach

by Rob Friesel

Dad and I are on a vacation in the south Pacific.  It’s the last night that we’re there (our plane leaves in the morning) and we are taking a walk through the beach-side town down to the beach.  When we clear the palm trees and our feet hit sand, we notice two things.  First, the […]

dream.20070911: up the down path

by Rob Friesel

Climbing a snow-covered mountain.  Skiing?  Sledding?  Fingers nearly immobilized in gloves so thick.  The mountain face is nearly vertical.  We make slow progress.  Something comes down too quickly, knocking us in our respective heads.  I barely duck out of the way in time.  Two hunters (?) have rigged themselves up in individual gurneys and lower […]

dream.20070905: frozen

by Rob Friesel

Class in Antarctica; a submarine to simulate zero-gravity and we are students of astronomy and sociology.  I am late for class and have been watching the opening hour on closed-circuit TV.  A cold-related injury has given me a good-enough excuse for not making it on time.  During the class’ intermission, I make my way over […]

dream.20070828: last chance

by Rob Friesel

While leaving a movie, I am given a box of old writings by a stranger that date back to middle school.  At first I am hesitant to open this box.  How good could my middle school era writings possibly have been?  And why would they be worth re-visiting now?  The stranger informs me that there […]

dream.20070825: family dinner for the apocalypse

by Rob Friesel

We’ve been bunkered for days (weeks?) against the plague and the roving hordes.  It’s dangerous out there but we’ve done a decent enough job of fortifying the house.  It’s not my parents’ house but everything started happening we just let ourselves in here, found the keys, and set up camp.  We’re short on provisions though […]

dream.20070824: death sentence

by Rob Friesel

Teleported, perhaps fallen through some gate to another dimension.  It’s impossible to tell how I’ve landed here in this Star Wars meets Jurassic Park meets Alien wonderland.  Fear for my life; obviously I have trespassed here or else have been caught elsewhere and dumped here for some gruesome execution.  I am in this huge paddock […]

dream.20070822: negotiating

by Rob Friesel

Negotiating. There’s a voice that whispers a word into your ear; sounds Japanese, starts with a “gu” sound. The word has no true English translation; it’s more of a concept than a word. It’s supposed to be a philosophy of negotiating that gets your Opponent to believe they’re getting their way when really you are […]

dream.20070821: hold them back

by Rob Friesel

The students have become teachers?  You have returned to high school as a student; people that you have taught in the past now stand at the chalkboard, doing their best to explain concepts that you long ago taught them.  (Wait, back up.  Did you even teach them?)  They criticize your in-class work; they mark it […]