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Category Archives: Dream

Dreams I’ve had; unedited but (for better or worse) not always fully remembered.

dream.20140107: overlap

by Rob Friesel

You’re at a co-worker’s party. You spend most of the time chasing your kids around the house as they zip up and down the stairs and between the people engaged in the conversations that you’d like to be engaged in. You catch some smiles and a few one-liners as you get close enough to them, […]

dream.20131113: water rescue

by Rob Friesel

You don’t know how you got there but there you are. Splashing around in the water, nearly helpless. There’s no life raft and no personal floatation devices. Just you and five (six?) others treading water. The water feels deep — you’ve dunked down a couple times and can’t touch the bottom — but you see […]

dream.20131108: ad labyrinth

by Rob Friesel

You’re caught in a labyrinth of ads. Worse, they’re ads on your phone. You are aware that you are somehow hypnotized and unable to look away until you escape the ads, until you have viewed every last one, and though you are not physically surrounded, you also cannot look away or put the phone down. […]

dream.20131030: imposter

by Rob Friesel

Driving home on Rt. 15 (just off the highway), you see flashing blue lights ahead of you. Then you notice them in the rearview mirror as well. Assuming the latter is racing to catch up with the former, you pull over, expecting the officer to race past you. Instead the officer pulls over behind you. […]

dream.20131025: three

by Rob Friesel

One. You walk in to the kitchen and there she is, pint glass in hand. On the counter is the nearly empty bottle of that rare and expensive beer that you had been saving. She is enjoying it. It feels like a betrayal although she claims it was an honest mistake. She offers you what’s […]

dream.20130901: secret ways

by Rob Friesel

Into the hospital through the Emergency Room. Down the hall, bear right. Bear right again. Took a wrong turn; back up, retrace your steps, go left at the shelf full of antiseptic swabs. Behind the lightbox for the X-rays is a door. Pass through the door and you find a crowded room. A party. Navigate […]

dream.20130826: ghost ceiling

by Rob Friesel

It’s a large house in… New York City? It’s mansion-sized. Whatever the city is, it’s a large city. You don’t live here, you’re just visiting. But you also haven’t come to this house as a tourist. You’re not sure why you’re here, but you know as you assume your position in the line that you […]

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