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Category Archives: Dream

Dreams I’ve had; unedited but (for better or worse) not always fully remembered.

dream.20130804: sinking

by Rob Friesel

The buildings are sinking. Not collapsing. Sinking. The ground beneath them becomes liquid. It does not melt, it simply… stops being solid. And so the buildings begin to sink. Almost everyone is able to escape in time. Leaving everything behind, and fleeing quickly across the skyway. There are a few that didn’t make it and […]

dream.20130725: Fish Picnic

by Rob Friesel

You’re at a pool party. One of your co-workers/team-mates pulls you aside. He knows a secret. (“Well, more of a rumor but…”) The Company has recently come into a large-ish stockpile of intercontinental ballistic missiles. With nuclear warheads. And they’ve been buying up retired quarries in Barre as places to cache those weapons. They’re calling […]

dream.20130716: lock the doors

by Rob Friesel

They’re coming. (It’s coming?) A storm gathers. Evening settles in. It is darker in the house than outside. But you know that the night advances along with the storm and the night brings a terror with it. You are but a scared child. Mother claims the doors are already locked but you know that it […]

dream.20130706: hockey

by Rob Friesel

They have moved hockey to the summer Olympics. You sit in the locker room waiting for them to call you out. Another player keeps trying to tell you a dirty joke about a doctor and a hooker. (“Get it? He fucks the hooker?” “I know. It’s still not funny.”) The announcer on TV keeps talking […]

dream.20130702: stair chase

by Rob Friesel

You’re being chased. Your pursuers… used to be friends? allies? associates? You know them. But there is a tension now. They are after you, and are close behind. But you manage to keep giving them the slip. You’ll dodge down one seemingly endless corridor of apartments (hotel rooms?) and head down some other stair case. […]

dream.20130624: lectures and book signings

by Rob Friesel

A crowded bookstore. There are several simultaneous talks/book-signings going on here. All around the perimeter of this (oddly shaped) bookstore, you see tables and lecterns. Piles of books. Folding chairs. People (mostly middle-aged women) sitting in the folding chairs, or else standing. You’re searching for the table that has lured you here. (And you fumble […]

dream.20130623: for a desk

by Rob Friesel

You’re moving in with a different roommate. (College roommate? Are you in college? This looks like your old college campus.) The room is in disarray, but that’s to be expected as he makes room for you. You’re moving in not because the campus housing authorities have told you to, but because… the two of you […]

dream.20130514: keys

by Rob Friesel

The whole gang is making an exit from the office — en masse, all at once, a big crowd of them wandering the labyrinthine halls. (Though somehow the office has no roof? or is already outside?) You find yourself smack in the middle of the throng, taking in the small talk, which mostly revolves around […]

dream.20130507: shots fired

by Rob Friesel

You duck and the bullets whizz overhead. Where are they coming from? Another shot rings out. This one hits someone behind you. You watch his body twist and go down. Another shot. Another crumpled body. Everyone is scurrying right now. Through the parking lot (parking lot?) — zig-zagging between cars and trying to duck into […]