¶ by Rob FrieselWhich File Extension are You?
Assorted web memes, lists, etc. “Quizilla says: You Are Han Solo.â€
Which File Extension are You?
While reviewing/re-formatting the July and August 2003 posts, I stumbled across one in particular that felt timely and worth re-visiting… Libertarians, GeeksCircle I Limbo Democrats, Greens, ObjectivistsCircle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind Republicans, Hipsters, Goths, DMV Employees, General asshats, TrixiesCircle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow Scientologists, Osama bin LadenCircle IV […]
Is it possible to be anyone but her? You’re Bettie Page! What Classic Pin-Up Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Couple of recent, fairly random conversations recently have me snickering and/or pondering at what our machine host names are and what they say about us. What conventions have we adopted? Scorned? How are our values or senses of humor reflected in the couple of characters before the $ prompt? What face fo you put on […]
. Your name alone strikes fear into others; but maybe, just maybe, there’s a little vulnerability and weakness beneath that stoic, fierce exterior of yours. Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.
Another stolen idea from Pete. Albeit, stolen first from Julia: 1. Hacking the Mac 2. Being made a manager 3. “Grateful is…” 4. Moving 5. Truck rental 6. House cleaning 7. Getting electrical systems up to code 8. Missing Baltimore (!?) 9. How I don’t read enough 10. How I don’t write enough 11. Perdido […]
Which Evil Criminal are YOU?A Rum and Monkey crime. (via pete … again … so soon)
“Everyone else is doing it…” Party Shuffle time: Pete Standing Alone – Boards of Canada J Dilla & Madlib Megamix – J-Rocc My Technique – DJ Technique Precursos – Amon Tobin Stop 4 Love – Basement Jaxx Kaini Industries – Boards of Canada Dinosaur Adventure 3D – Underworld Light My Fire (live) – Massive Attack […]
Read. Perdido Street Station by China Mieville Assorted Resin docs XSLT : Programmer’s Reference by Michael Kay Jepson & Rothman’s Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks (where’s my copy!?) Canon i860 docs (the BJC-250 finally gave up the ghost) DVD. The Crow The Sopranos Third Season (…where did we leave off…?) The Simpsons Third […]
My Libertarian Purity Test Score: 69 51-90 points: You are a medium-core libertarian, probably self-consciously so. Your friends probably encourage you to quit talking about your views so much.