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Category Archives: tech

Reviews, speculation, and other idle thoughts on hardware, software, firmware…

Why Everyone (Eventually) Hates (or Leaves) Maven

by !undefined

“I suspect that even the designers of Unix shells are often surprised at the inventive uses developers have wrought with their simple but powerfully composable abstractions.”

Neal Ford, Why Everyone (Eventually) Hates (or Leaves) Maven

A post on composable systems (vs. contextual ones). It’s a thoughtful post, and worth a slow and careful read.

review: Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java

by Rob Friesel

Having just wrapped up Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java by Casimir Saternos (O’Reilly, 2014), I’d say that I mostly got out of it what I wanted, and that it serves as a good jumping-off point for developers that want to build “modern” web applications on top of the JVM. More than anything else, […]

review: Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript

by Rob Friesel

Mike McMillan’s Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript (O’Reilly, 2014) uses JavaScript as a vehicle for introducing a number of fundamental computer science concepts. It reminds me a little bit of Tom Stuart’s Understanding Computation 1 — that is, it’s a book about CS topics that targets people without a CS background. One might consider […]

review: High Performance Browser Networking

by Rob Friesel

I just wrapped up High Performance Browser Networking by Ilya Grigorik (O’Reilly, 2013) and it just may be the best technical book I read in 2013. I first encountered Grigorik and his work about a year ago when I was researching web performance and HAR tools in particular 1; it wasn’t long after that that […]

review: Jasmine JavaScript Testing

by Rob Friesel

Packt Publishing recently released Jasmine JavaScript Testing by Paulo Ragonha (@pirelenito), and I just wrapped up reading it this morning. I’ve read a few books on JavaScript unit testing 1 and at least one other that was dedicated to Jasmine, 2 and this one is a strong entry. If you’re unfamiliar with Jasmine, Ragonha will […]