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Tag Archives: AJAX

Linkdump for May 7th

by Rob Friesel

Burlington Farmers Market starts this Saturday! (tagged: Vermont burlington farm food ) Privacy in the Age of Persistence Bruce Schneier on Security: "Data is the pollution of the information age." (tagged: blog future society security essay ) Five Technologies Tim O’Reilly Says Point Past Web 2.0 at ReadWriteWeb — all I can say is thank […]

Linkdump for January 6th

by Rob Friesel

Semantics in HTML 5 at A List Apart : If we continue to be clever with the existing constructs of HTML, more problems such as this will arise. But HTML suffers from a fundamental defect as a semantic markup language—its semantics are fixed, not extensible. (tagged: webdev html5 accessibility microformats essay todo ) Return of […]

smoke clears, dust settles

by Rob Friesel

Earlier today we embarked on a little upgrade here at F_D. We ditched our old Kubrick bastardization (nee “Mario”) and upgraded the front-end to use the next-gen, deliciously AJAX-y K2 framework. From there, we installed a slew of supporting plug-ins and tweaked the look-and-feel until we had achieved an approximation of our wireframe from yesterday. We have dubbed […]