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Tag Archives: children

Linkdump for August 4th

by Rob Friesel

Building large apps with AngularJS Outstanding post by Jason Dobry about using AngularJS to do non-trivial UIs and about some of the latent challenges that you'll encounter when doing so. He's got quite a few interesting things to say, in particular about the common misperception that $scope is the model, some points about how to […]

Linkdump for January 24th

by Rob Friesel

Solving Problems The Square Way Austin Carr, writing for Fast Company: "We try to keep everything related to each other across our products and videos and marketing–they should all speak to each other," [Robert] Andersen says. "We hold each other accountable for designs that seem arbitrary at Square." (tagged: collaboration Square design ) AngularJS is […]

A Maybe Slightly More Realistic Rendition of “Bear Snores On”

by Rob Friesel

…or, what really happened in the woods that winter: In a cave in the woods in his deep, dark lair through the long, cold winter sleeps a great brown bear. Cuddled in a heap with his eyes shut tight he sleeps through the day he sleeps through the night. The cold winds howl and the […]