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Tag Archives: hack

Linkdump for February 24th

by Rob Friesel

Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street Great article, even if it glosses over certain things. Especially good in combination with: — that said, I'm still not sure what a "credit default swap" is… (tagged: money economy business math ) Italian Food and Woodworking Does enlightenment bring with it responsibility and obligation? […]

Linkdump for January 30th

by Rob Friesel

These are my links for January 25th through January 30th:

links for 2007-03-14

by Rob Friesel

NASA – Stereo Eclipse The video of the lunar transit? Pretty damn cool. (tags: science space video) Tantek’s Thoughts – 2007 February via DF: three theories on human interface design (tags: design research usability UI essay todo) 11 Ways to Optimize Your Mac’s Performance via TUAW: strategies for optimizing an older machine (or “How to […]