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Tag Archives: Internet Explorer 11

Linkdump for July 3rd

by Rob Friesel

Building an iOS weather app with Angular and ClojureScript Kevin J. Lynagh on building the Weathertron app: …do the semantics of the library complement your application design? Or will build a Dr. Jekel / Mr. Hyde abomination of ClojureScript code doomed to emit painful, prototype-twiddling, mutation-happy JavaScript? Some cool solutions they came up with for […]

Linkdump for July 1st

by Rob Friesel

10 Monsters From Mythology You Do Not Want To Meet Vlad Vekshtein: So how did the Ichneumon defeat the dragon, whose very reputation conjures up pictures of fair maidens and burning villages and hordes of gold? Why, it crawls inside of it of course! (tagged: monsters research ) What’s new in F12 Tools (Preliminary) Sneak […]