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Tag Archives: navigation

Linkdump for August 2nd

by Rob Friesel

Perfection kills » How ECMAScript 5 still does not allow to subclass an array at Perfection kills (via Bad Ass JavaScript) (tagged: article javascript arrays todo ) HTML5: Changing the browser-URL without refreshing page at Spoiled Milk ApS (via Bad Ass JavaScript) (tagged: HTML5 pushState javascript navigation url ) Diffable (tagged: javascript diff ajax performance […]

Linkdump for May 18th

by Rob Friesel

Mozilla Labs Design Challenge Summer 09 – together with IxDA and Johnny Holland — For this Design Challenge we are focusing on finding creative solutions to the question: "Reinventing Tabs in the Browser – How can we create, navigate and manage multiple web sites within the same browser instance?" (tagged: design navigation tabs mozilla ) […]

Linkdump for March 23rd

by Rob Friesel

Mega Drop-Down Navigation Menus Work Well (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox) If nothing else, I love the name. Say it with me: “MEGA DROP-DOWN” (tagged: design ui usability accessibility navigation todo ) PETA: Ingrid Newkirk’s Unique Will As Twitter user Mikey-san said: You know who else delivers body parts to enemies? The fucking mafia. On the other […]