2008 reading
¶ by Rob FrieselTaking a cue from Mike: 2008 Powered by Goodreads.com …minus a few children’s books.
Taking a cue from Mike: 2008 Powered by Goodreads.com …minus a few children’s books.
Photo by Ken Signorello (Green Destiny on Flickr).
(Original posted on Flickr; credit to victoriabernal.)
Back in June, I posted about my foray into GoodReads. At the time, I simply posted some “short versions of immediate impressions”. I was convinced that my time with GoodReads would be short, that I would quickly grow frustrated with it and move on. In part, I formed this opinion because I dove into it […]
The Gibson I understand. The Vermont Atlas? Makes perfect sense. But the TMNT action figures?
Just a brief figure to illustrate Comcast’s on-going craptacularness: So yeah. Even without getting into the specifics (i.e., price & download speeds) we can see the areas of discrepancy that might cause an educated consumer to be … well, rather alarmed. Burlington Telecom: if you’re listening: hurry up with the wiring in my neighborhood.
In response to me calling someone smart: I’m not smart, just not terribly stupid.
From a friend: It’s a weird world where my trolling through Facebook looking for people that I got drunk with over the previous weekend could not only be characterized as, “work,” but was specifically condoned by my boss.