a trivial public service
¶ by Rob FrieselIn order to right some wrongs uncovered by the most recent xkcd: Whoa, these errors are stochastic as shit. That is all.
In order to right some wrongs uncovered by the most recent xkcd: Whoa, these errors are stochastic as shit. That is all.
About a week ago, I decided to dump foursquare for GoWalla 1; I’d like to tell you a little bit about why. But first, a short lesson on the schedules of reinforcement that we should all know and love from operant conditioning paradigms. In psychology, operant conditioning tells us that behavior is determined by its […]
Dear Phishers: Really? “fraud_application”? I mean, you think you’re going to fool anyone with that?
This showed up on Facebook re: Flickr hiring: You might’ve seen it there, too. Being the nosy SOB that I am, I clicked on the image. First I was wondering: is that really the Flickr dev pod? And sure enough, it is. Or was? I noticed on the user’s profile that he used to work […]
A friend asked me today: “On IM, when you type ‘haha’, does that imply that you actually laughed?” I answered immediately: no. The “haha” and “hehe” strings imply that you got the joke, that you’re reading and comprehending the humor, that you believe the preceding statement is funny – but it doesn’t necessarily mean that […]
Dear Comcast: Since it seems we’re going to be starting up that provider/customer relationship again, it’s probably best that I tell you now (before I’ve even signed up) that we’re not off to a good start. We’ll be moving soon (my family, that is) and the little bit of research I’ve done thus far indicates […]
Original on Flickr.
Original photo on Flickr.