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Tag Archives: Things

Linkdump for August 27th

by Rob Friesel

Things plug-in syntax – Things Wiki (tagged: Quicksilver Things ) A Message on Ted Kennedy to Conservatives Who Hated Him (Mostly Profanity-Free for the Kiddies) at The Rude Pundit (via XJ's Twitter stream) (tagged: TedKennedy politics history ) tap tap tap ~ Convert design evolution Worth the watch. (tagged: video ui usability design ux ) […]

Linkdump for December 31st

by Rob Friesel

Things 1.0rc now available at TUAW :: featuring a 20% off coupon code (tagged: Things GTD Mac OSX software todo ) Eventually Consistent – Revisited at All Things Distributed (tagged: essay scalability dev work todo ) Baader-Meinhof phenomenon (tagged: via:fogus language brain learning ) Version Control with Subversion (tagged: reference subversion ) Fairpoint Pledges To […]


by Rob Friesel

For about the past month, I have been trying out the public beta of Cultured Code’s Things. Things is a “GTD-style” task management application with a clean UI and some nice, convenient features. While I am not really an adherent to GTD philosophy credited to David Allen, the truth is that a decent task management […]