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Monthly Archives: September 2007

links for 2007-09-12

by Rob Friesel

6 Keys to Understanding Modern CSS-based Layouts via (tags: blog CSS design webdev work todo) jCarouselLite via jQuery Plugins: Twitter marquee widget for F_D? (tags: blog jQuery webdev todo founddrama) Get Out from Behind the Curtain via A List Apart: structured vs. unstructured “brainstorming” sessions; best practice methods for soliciting client design input (for […]

dream.20070911: up the down path

by Rob Friesel

Climbing a snow-covered mountain.  Skiing?  Sledding?  Fingers nearly immobilized in gloves so thick.  The mountain face is nearly vertical.  We make slow progress.  Something comes down too quickly, knocking us in our respective heads.  I barely duck out of the way in time.  Two hunters (?) have rigged themselves up in individual gurneys and lower […]

get it down, write it down

by Rob Friesel

Find every hour.  Steal every weak-willed moment back from yourself for yourself.  Fit it in.  Make time.  Write it out until you stymie.  Try something new, something different.  Arrange.  Re-arrange.  Plan it but don’t over-plan it.  Grant yourself a concession (there’s only so many hours in the week, you know).  Don’t lament.  Ask different questions.  […]

links for 2007-09-08

by Rob Friesel

Through the Looking Glass @ (via B^2 + Beyond the Beyond): best William Gibson interview ever? (tags: fiction literature news writing essay interview scifi todo) Daring Fireball: That Product Transition “…clearly sibling products running variants of the exact same system software…” (tags: Apple iPod)