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Author Archives: not another Rob?

About not another Rob?

Syndicated content from the Tumblr where Rob Friesel collects miscellaneous flotsam and jetsam from around the web and elsewhere.

the key for a lock that doesn’t yet exist

by not another Rob?

“Writing the first sentence of a novel, for me, is something like filing, from a blank of metal, the key for a lock that doesn’t yet exist, in a door that doesn’t yet exist, set into a wall … An impossible thing, yet I find it must be done, or at least approximately done, else nothing will follow. The white wall (once of paper, now of pixels) will only open to the right key, or at least something approximating it, as I tend to keep filing, endlessly, through the ensuing composition.”

William Gibson, The First Sentence Is a Handshake (interview in The Atlantic)

And the rest is even better than that. But this quote here was a light bulb for me. In that moment, his words described the act of writing as something very familiar to me, but also something very alien and strange and brilliantly true.

“…if we just find the right sys­tem…”

by not another Rob?

“There is an idea preva­lent in our cul­ture that if we just find the right sys­tem, we can ride it out in per­pe­tu­ity. We can gam­ify so­cial in­ter­ac­tion. This idea is man­i­fested most promi­nently in the de­part­ments of psy­chol­ogy, so­ci­ol­ogy, law, po­lit­i­cal sci­ence, and eco­nom­ics. More­over, there are now ac­tual game de­sign­ers who have ex­pressed an in­ter­est in tin­ker­ing with pub­lic pol­icy. I want to sug­gest that the very idea of try­ing to de­fine an all-en­com­pass­ing sys­tem, no mat­ter how fair you try to make it, will al­ways pro­duce sys­tems whose rules ben­e­fit the mak­ers, and whose ex­ter­nal­i­ties they can at best ben­e­fit from, and at worst ig­nore.”

Dorian Taylor, Toward a Theory of Design as Computation

what ended the terrorism of the south

by not another Rob?

“That, my friends, is what ended the terrorism of the south. Confronting your worst fears, living through it, and breaking out in a deep throated freedom song. The jailers knew they had lost when they beat the crap out of these young Negroes and the jailed, beaten young people began to sing joyously, first in one town then in another.”

Daily Kos :: Most of you have no idea what Martin Luther King actually did