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Category Archives: Mac

Often tied in with other tech or code posts; Apple/Mac/iOS speculations, hacks, and other errata.

Smart Playlists? Broken!

by Rob Friesel

While everyone else seems to be harping on the “mini-store-as-spyware” angle of the 6.0.2 update to iTunes, I’ve noticed something else that seems to have gotten NO MENTION throughout this flurry: 6.0.2 BREAKS THE “MY RATING” OPTIONS WHEN CREATING SMART PLAYLISTS In the spirit of Hofstadter: “Try it!” Click to create a new Smart Playlist. […]

MacWorld scorecard

by Rob Friesel

Following up on my pre-MacWorld post…: iLife ‘06 is a given – – duh, zero points minor revisions all around – – of course (some arguably major), zero points with some new deployment of FrontRow and maybe Photo Booth – – FrontRow made it into the “MacBook Pro” but is as yet not all-Mac-wide… the […]

Macworld predictions

by Rob Friesel

It’s time for Macworld and once again, we find ourselves compelled to give in to the net’s peer pressure and do a prediction round-up with a sprinkling of our own predictions. Best-of-the-web style: the honorable Chuck Toporek has some well thought-out predictions and a mini round-up of his own over on MacDevCenter. Highlight reel includes […]

MacWorld Prognostication

by Rob Friesel

Not mine. This one a “Vegas-style” top ten list re: MacWorld from over on the ZDNet blogs… My favorite: 8. iWork ’06. Apple’s productivity suite will get upgrades to Pages and Keynote with the possible addition of a modern Office-killing spreheet application (rumored to be called “Numbers” or “Sheets“). If it re and writes Excel […]

Apple vs. Mozilla

by Rob Friesel

A change may be due on the web and email apps front… I may be pushing some of the limits of what Apple’s Mail and Safari apps can really offer me but… But I cling to them pretty desperately for some reason. Nostalgia? Because they came as part of the package? Can’t pin it down – – there’s also the pain in the ass of switching applications like this. So after being more/less forced into using Firefox and Thunderbird “exclusively” recently, I thought to myself it might be worth it to give each a shot for a solid week and see how it panned out. After Day 1, I came up with a version of the following scorecard to try and weigh this out for the long term…: