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Tag Archives: American pale ale

Homebrew #104: Prosody (Barbe Rouge)

by Rob Friesel

It’s been 24 brew days since the last Prosody Project beer. All of 2019 went by without one — and half of 2020. But when I heard that Yakima Valley Hops had Barbe Rouge for sale, I got nostalgic for a favorite back-home-in-the-802 beer: Burlington Beer’s Barbe Rouge Single Hop IPA. There was no better […]

Homebrew #52: Prosody (Mosaic)

by Rob Friesel

For the third installment in my single-hop APA series, I took some of the “left overs” from the Grisette Moderne and applied them toward this project. Time for Prosody (Mosaic): 1 I was so very tempted to use the “left over” Galaxy for the APA project and/but/so… I had a certain ribbon-winner that needed reprising.[↩]

Homebrew #17: Boo Beer

by Rob Friesel

My fourteenth Tilde Gravitywerks homebrew 1 turned out to be the first… major disappointment colossal failure learning experience? I set out to make a simple pale ale (originally tentatively titled “Acorn Pale” 2) and what I wound up with, after a number of disappointing surprises, was the delicious and refreshing Boo Beer: And seventeenth brew […]