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Tag Archives: Atlassian

Linkdump for August 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Testing for the Web, Part I: Javascript Unit Testing with Jenkins, JSTD, Phantom.js and Sauce At the NetWallet Eng Blog. They describe how they're doing their automated front-end unit testing using… well, it's all spelled out in the blog post's title. (tagged: Sauce Labs JSTestDriver PhantomJS Jenkins unit testing JavaScript ) Cascading Attribute Sheets Tab […]

Linkdump for April 28th

by Rob Friesel

Cutting The Grocery Bill–How? at Al Dente (tagged: food groceries budget money essay todo ) Gantter Does Project Management in Your Browser at LifeHacker (tagged: lifehacks productivity projectmanagement GTD projects ) Polar Rose via LifeHacker: "Naming is sharing!" — face recognition for Flickr? on the web? (tagged: software tools photography flickr social todo ) Ajax […]