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Monthly Archives: September 2007

links for 2007-09-07

by Rob Friesel

Paula Scher on Brand America via Monocle (via cityofsound): “…Paula Scher […] a principal at Pentagram in New York, talks to […] Tyler Brûlé about how the US needs to overhaul its image, brand promise, name and messaging.” (tags: branding politics video todo research) via Your Guide To The Gods. Mythology with a […]

links for 2007-09-06

by Rob Friesel

The World Without Us via Information Aesthetics (tags: education environment future apocalypse science research visualization todo) How to Find Time for Yourself via (tags: brain health leisure lifehacks) Superfund365 via Information Aesthetics (tags: environment politics visualization research) Number of the Day: 1/3 @TreeHugger: “In the same vein, only 3.5 cents of every dollar goes […]

dream.20070905: frozen

by Rob Friesel

Class in Antarctica; a submarine to simulate zero-gravity and we are students of astronomy and sociology.  I am late for class and have been watching the opening hour on closed-circuit TV.  A cold-related injury has given me a good-enough excuse for not making it on time.  During the class’ intermission, I make my way over […]


by Rob Friesel

My folks were in town, dropping my brother off at college.  They crashed with us and we did it up on the bike path and the grill and just generally got down as a family for a bit.  We took note that the meal we cooked Saturday contained only vegetables from our garden; and the […]