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Category Archives: tech

Reviews, speculation, and other idle thoughts on hardware, software, firmware…

review: JavaScript Testing with Jasmine

by Rob Friesel

Evan Hahn did us a favor and slapped together this primer for us: JavaScript Testing with Jasmine: JavaScript Behavior-Driven Development (O’Reilly, 2013). It’s short (around 50 pages), so you can burn through it in an afternoon, but he hits the high notes and (most importantly) provides a clear path for how to get started using […]

inaugural BurlingtonJS meet-up

by Rob Friesel

Last night as the inaugural BurlingtonJS meet-up at the Office Squared space. As an attendee, I would call it a success. We had two fantastic speakers: Agilion’s Pete Brown (@beerlington) who gave a good intro to Ember.js (summarized thusly); and Draker’s Ian Metcalf, who demoed an attempt at building a Prezi alternative using Backbone.js and […]

top 5 favorite git tricks

by Rob Friesel

I’ve been using Git as my VCS-of-choice for a few years now. It’s a powerful tool for source control, and like so many other awesome tools: it takes minutes to learn, and a lifetime to master. If you’re new to Git, there’s a fantastic round-up of tutorials and resources over on Six Revisions; or if […]

LOL charsets

by Rob Friesel

Or: an almost certainly incomplete but hopefully accurate enough (and succinct) front-end developer’s guide to charsets and character encoding. Before we begin, I will summarize the problem with the following picture: Do you see those funny diamonds with the question marks in them? That’s about the size of the problem, right there. 1 You have […]

review: JavaScript Enlightenment

by Rob Friesel

tl;dr: It’s a 150 page essay on auto-boxing, full of dangerous code examples and anti-patterns and soft warnings to “not do what I just did”, and some of the wording is not-wrong-but-not-quite-right, but hey there are some decent parts, I guess. Cody Lindley’s JavaScript Enlightenment (O’Reilly, 2012) has an awesome title, and I wanted very […]

review: ClojureScript: Up and Running

by Rob Friesel

An (apocryphal?) tale: 1 when Brendan Eich unveiled the original JavaScript (nee LiveScript, nee Mocha) prototype at (then) Netscape, it was a Lisp. 2 It was only at management’s insistence that the language received a C-like syntax, and even then it was mostly to have some kind of syntactic parity with Java (with which it […]