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Tag Archives: Comcast

Linkdump for February 16th

by Rob Friesel

Souders blasts off 5 in a row at Ajaxian (tagged: html performance javascript css webdev work todo ) Over Fifteen Pounds of Book!!–Knowing Darkness: Artists Inspired by Stephen King at Omnivoracious — looks pretty awesome (tagged: art wishlist ) Comcast enters rebranding territory at The Boston Globe (via /.): W2 Group’s Weber said such a […]

Linkdump for February 1st

by Rob Friesel

Google To End Support For IE6 at Slashdot Technology: [Rajen Sheth, Google Apps senior product manager] suggested that customers upgrade their browsers to pretty much anything else. (tagged: IE6 Google obsolescence ) Preparing for the IPv6 Transition at Comcast Voices (via Slashdot) (tagged: comcast ipv6 todo ) What colours were dinosaur feathers? at Not Exactly […]

not off to a good start

by Rob Friesel

Dear Comcast: Since it seems we’re going to be starting up that provider/customer relationship again, it’s probably best that I tell you now (before I’ve even signed up) that we’re not off to a good start.  We’ll be moving soon (my family, that is) and the little bit of research I’ve done thus far indicates […]

Comcast sucks

by Rob Friesel

Just a brief figure to illustrate Comcast’s on-going craptacularness: So yeah. Even without getting into the specifics (i.e., price & download speeds) we can see the areas of discrepancy that might cause an educated consumer to be … well, rather alarmed. Burlington Telecom: if you’re listening: hurry up with the wiring in my neighborhood.