haiku review: King Kong
¶ by Rob FrieselNinety minutes and no monkey and after that, six shots on repeat.
Ninety minutes and no monkey and after that, six shots on repeat.
What to say about Doctorow‘s write-up of This Film Is Not Yet Rated? My inner libertarian is screaming out: “Heck yes! Fuck ’em and their so-called ratings! Vive le Rated X! Vive le NC-17!” And there’s a lot of compelling reasons to rally around those cries if what he’s saying about the film are true. […]
Just don’t. Our new subscription to Blockbuster’s DVD-by-mail-to-compete-with-Netflix plan has us high on the opportunity to cheaply take risks on films we’d otherwise normally stay away from. Anyway, imagine our conflict… With a title like Dopamine, how could we possibly stay away? But with a description like: …In San Francisco during the economic heyday of […]
“Dangerous Liaisons” Sexual trysts of Aristocratic French Beyond my control ***** “E.T.” Brown alien stuck on Earth with stupid white kids. I would phone home, too. ***** “Waterworld” It is like Mad Max But in the ocean’s future. Fucking terrible.
Brokeback Mountain. Very average. Maybe just hyped to the point where it couldn’t possibly deliver? I must say that I walked away pretty numb. Acting performances were in the “good” to “excellent” range and it certainly started well enough. (The first 30-45 minutes are brilliant.) Unfortunately, it can’t keep its own pace and slows down […]
28 Days Later. About as expected zombie-ish flick with a twist. Decent premise and a whole lot of suspense (though a bit over the top at times). Take that animal rights activists. Hidalgo. Better than expected but still glad I didn’t catch it in the theater. Half-blood late-19th century cowboy tears ass across the Arabian […]
Mike over at Modus Ponens already said all there was to say about Munich so I’ll only add this: Mr. Spielberg, Your closing shot. C’mon… Must you?
So I watched 2010 tonight since my local Blockbuster doesn’t seem to have 2001. This is a drag for several reasons. But for several other reasons, I’ll live with it. 2010 is good enough in it’s own right. Potential spoilers below: First and foremost, it stands well enough on its own. You get enough of […]
Via Boing^2 (via MeFi): Empire’s 50 Greatest Independent Films. It seemed to me like there was an awful lot of blood, horror, and schlock – – but maybe those are some of the hallmarks of great indy cinema? I was surprised to see Slacker in there (well… sort of surprised) and surprised that Primer was […]
Neat article on Slate: “Star Wars: Episodes I-VI – The greatest postmodern art film ever” (by Aidan Wasley)… …Lucas takes this self-consciousness about narrative artifice a step further: He makes explicit his theoretical interest in the mechanics of plot. […] characters come to understand that there is another agent, external to themselves, that is dictating […]