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Tag Archives: homebrew

Homebrew #57: Clone in the Window

by Rob Friesel

Over the years, I’ve drunk more than my fair share of craft beer. And of all those craft beers, most of them were from our local Vermont breweries. And of those breweries, Burlington Beer Company has (in a short time) taken over the #1 slot. That is due, in large part, to their very (very) […]

2018 Greg Noonan Memorial Homebrew Competition Results

by Rob Friesel

Yesterday was the 2018 Greg Noonan Memorial Homebrew Competition. I went pretty big this year, with 12 entries between all my beers and meads, and it paid off with seven medals — including a successful defense of my Mead Maker of the Year title. In addition to competing, I had the privilege of judging and […]

Homebrew #53: Kirkland Clover Challenge

by Rob Friesel

It started with an observation that turned into a challenge. Jason noticed you could get 5 lb. of clover honey at CostCo for $11.99 — $2.40 per lb. as opposed to the nationwide average of $7.57 (c. January 2018). Obviously this meant that there was virtually no excuse for any of the club members to […]