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Tag Archives: news

Linkdump for September 27th

by Rob Friesel

More school: Obama would curtail summer vacation short version: I would support this if we did not ONLY emphasize traditional academics; when we're talk about lengthening the school day, let's keep in perspective that kids need to be kids, too—more hours and more days is only part of the answer, we also need to make […]

Linkdump for September 14th

by Rob Friesel

JavaScript Framework Matrix “Overview with functions and examples” (tagged: javascript jQuery Ext framework reference work ) Yojimbo, and The Case for Anything Buckets by Shawn Blanc (via DF) — interesting redux of Yojimbo and there are some very compelling arguments in there (perhaps I should give it a shot?) (tagged: yojimbo Mac osx software review […]

Linkdump for September 6th

by Rob Friesel

White House Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy Over Past Activism at — this not totally surprising but it is disappointing because we need Jones' message (re marrying our environmental and economic needs) (tagged: politics news environment ) OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard How to install Java 1.4 and/or 1.5 if needed. (tagged: java […]

Linkdump for August 16th

by Rob Friesel

White House appears ready to drop ‘public option’ In order: (1) it may not be necessary to have "the public option" in the first round of health care reform [see #3] but (2) this is just more evidence that "reaching across the aisle" is going to get us no where and/but (3) we need to […]

Linkdump for June 19th

by Rob Friesel

Friday Q&A 2009-06-19: Mac OS X Process Memory Statistics at (via DF) — echo: good layman's terms run-down of what's happening inside that silver slap sitting on your lap (tagged: memory hardware essay ) Nearby on Your Phone at Flickr Blog (via DF) — I hate to say it but there goes my last […]

Linkdump for June 16th

by Rob Friesel

Persian Saffron Ice Cream at Al Dente (tagged: food recipe ) Doesn't look like it's been updated in … a while … but probably worth skimming and/or for to brush up… (tagged: webdev css html IE todo ) US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive at The Telegraph — the […]

Linkdump for June 2nd

by Rob Friesel

The Big Idea John Joseph Adams at John Scalzi's blog ("Whatever") re: his new anthology, Federations. WANT. (tagged: scifi literature wishlist ) The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals at Ecstatic Days : …this bite-sized bestiary is the deciding vote on which fantastical creatures are kosher. Embarking on an undomesticated romp from A to Z, the […]

Linkdump for May 11th

by Rob Friesel

Man, 30, gives ‘birth’ to his twin at The Sun (via B²) — HOLY WTF? (tagged: science weird ) The Ultimate Guide to .htaccess Files via Nettuts+ (tagged: webdev htaccess apache ) Burlington police walk the beat at The Burlington Free Press — I tip my hat to the officers; may this approach grow and […]

Linkdump for May 5th

by Rob Friesel

The Art of Penguin Science Fiction via B² (tagged: design literature scifi art typography illustration ) Here & There via Warren Ellis — "a horizonless projection in Manhattan" (awesome) (tagged: design visualization art map ) Classic Illustrators by Name via the w00t blog — a Flickr collection of scans of classic "Golden Age of Advertising" […]

Linkdump for April 17th

by Rob Friesel

Doug Rushkoff on DIY currencies at B² (tagged: currency money economy research ) NEW MATH by Craig Damrauer via DF: worth a link, for sure. worth a few minutes for a smile and a chuckle. (tagged: design visualization graphics humor math ) iPhone Wrestling Smackdown: WWE vs. TNA via The Apple Blog: tempting… if only […]