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Tag Archives: nuclear

Linkdump for February 1st

by Rob Friesel

Locale::Maketext::TPJ13 at — short version: "Thar be dragons here." (tagged: programming language linguistics interesting essay ) What the Heck is Shadow DOM? at Dimitri Glazkov (tagged: javascript css html5 webdev DOM ) Lest We Forget (Or How I Learned What’s So Bad About Browser Sniffing) on FarukAt.eÅŸ — hot on the heels of the […]

Linkdump for July 8th

by Rob Friesel

JavaScript needs modules! by Dave Herman (via @slicknet) (tagged: javascript code ) Terminal Tips and Tricks For Mac OS X at Super User (tagged: Apple bash osx terminal todo ) Preview: The Dervish House by Ian McDonald at — skimming it, I must say it looks great (and/but McDonald is one of my favorite's […]

Linkdump for December 6th

by Rob Friesel

In-wall USB charger is as cheap as it is ingenious at Engadget — so cool (tagged: USB power charger energy blog ) One Million Years of Isolation: An Interview with Abraham Van Luik at BLDGBLOG (via B²) — re: Yucca Mountain (great images and interesting discussion) (tagged: design science future history environment nuclear energy architecture […]

Linkdump for September 27th

by Rob Friesel

More school: Obama would curtail summer vacation short version: I would support this if we did not ONLY emphasize traditional academics; when we're talk about lengthening the school day, let's keep in perspective that kids need to be kids, too—more hours and more days is only part of the answer, we also need to make […]

Linkdump for August 6th

by Rob Friesel

Apache Velocity – Velocity User Guide (tagged: webdev reference api documentation Velocity work ) Apache Velocity – VTL Reference (tagged: webdev reference api documentation Velocity work ) Hiroshima, 64 years ago at — sobering pictures that put much of this event into perspective. (tagged: photography history nuclear war ) The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock […]

Linkdump for January 16th

by Rob Friesel

Coffee reduces Alzheimer’s risk: study via /.: Best news ever? *bzzz*bzzz*bzzz* (tagged: coffee news health science ) Circuit City fails to be wanted, will now be liquidated via Engadget – this is what happens when your recovery strategy includes firing your best retail employees and replacing them with greenhorns who, while paid out at â…“-½ […]

Linkdump for January 9th

by Rob Friesel

found_objects: The Recently Deflowered Girl 1 W? T? F? (tagged: art entertainment humor fun parody illustration humour surreal ) 21 Free Apps For Mac OS X That Are Absolutely Useful There are a few apps on here that I use, a few of heard of, and a few I'm now interested in checking out. That […]