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Tag Archives: tech

on syntax highlighting: a brief public service announcement

by Rob Friesel

In preparation for an up-coming post 1, I did a bit of extra legwork on syntax highlighting plugins for WordPress and wound up switching from Google Syntax Highlighter for WordPress (GSHW) 2 to SyntaxHighlighterPro. Both of them are backed by Alex Gorbatchev’s Syntax Highlighter library. But more on that in a moment. What prompted the […]

Linkdump for July 19th

by Rob Friesel

Launch Pad Workshop report: Five best discoveries in astronomy over the past 20 years (tagged: science ) What Can You Tell Me About Ri? at Al Dente (tagged: rye whiskey todo ) The Only HTML5 Resources You Need for Getting Up to Speed (tagged: html5 webdev ) Dojo Confessions (Or: How I gave up my […]


by Rob Friesel

Despite the carpenter’s advice about the hammer, I continue my search for an exemplary satisfactory IDE 1. The most recent experiment was with JetBrains’ WebStorm 2. The short version: I wanted to like it… First, what I did like: It seemed fairly forgiving – which is to say that it did not try to coerce […]

review: High Performance JavaScript

by Rob Friesel

While reading Nicholas Zakas’ High Performance JavaScript, it occurred to me that there were actually two different reviews that I wanted to write. So, rather than try to reconcile them into one review, I’ll simply apply them here as an ordered list. (1) To continue with the JavaScript University metaphor (from my review of Zakas’ […]

Linkdump for February 21st

by Rob Friesel

Op-Ed Columnist – The Fat Lady Has Sung at — $300 911 calls and: C-Span is just ESPN with only two teams. (tagged: politics economy ) What really happens when you navigate to a URL (tagged: webdev tutorial tech network http ) Coconut & Lime: Asiago & Crab Macaroni & Cheese (tagged: recipe ) […]

Linkdump for February 11th

by Rob Friesel

New Russian botnet tries to kill rival at Network World (via /.) (tagged: spam security network research ) Estimating programming time at ITworld (via /.) (tagged: software programming work ) The government has your baby’s DNA at (via /.) (tagged: politics news dna privacy genetics paranoia future research ) Google Plans To Deliver 1Gb/sec […]